
When To Keep your Child Home and When to send Him/Her to Daycare


Today, the modern parent needs a daycare to assist him/her in raising his/her children. And while it is particularly a hard decision to stay away from home to work rather than to watch your child grow and watch his/her every single step as he/she blossoms to adulthood, some families are sadly not afforded that luxury. Daycare Cambridge is a fixture in today’s modern family catering to parents needing both a place where their child can be safe as well as guidance and expertise on how to continually raise the child when he/she eventually has to leave the care of the daycare centers.

When sending your children to daycare, as a parent, there are a few things that you just have to worry about before seeing off your little treasures to make sure that they will be safe and sound. And in today’s busy world, you may not have all the time to figure out whether or not to send your kid to the daycare cambridge center, or let him take the day off to nurse an illness he/she may have. Sometimes, we as parents decide to err on the side of caution and let them stay home at the slightest hint of a health concern. This is understandable given that parents will not probably be afforded peace of mind through a gruelling day’s work thinking about how their precious child are holding up who may or may not be sick. But more than your responsibility as your child’s parent, it is a responsibility as a parent in a society to ensure that you do not let your sick child go to the center especially if he/she may have caught something contagious that may threaten the health of other kids in his/her class.

So what are the things that you should look out for when deciding whether to send your child to daycare or not. If you are unsure, you may follow these simple guidelines which should save you some time and you can go off to work without any worry.

What are your kid’s symptoms

The quickest way to find out whether or not to send your kid to daycare is to figure out which symptoms he/she is exhibiting. These is not a sure fire way of course, but at the very least you could at least save the time of having to go to a doctor before deciding to let him/her go or not.

If your child is showing any of the ones below, then you should certainly not let him/her go to daycare. It is a threat to his/her health to push himself/herself and it could also endanger his/her classmates.

Fatigue. This may be a sign of a flu which is contagious especially to other kids his/her age. If you think your child may be a bit too tired even after a full meal and full night’s sleep, then you should consider leaving him to rest at home.

Vomiting. If you are the same as most parents, then you freak out at the sight of your child vomiting. A parent can only see so much of his/her child uncontrollably expelling what he/she has fed him/her before calling the doctors in a panic. In these cases, not many are contagious but dehydration could be a real worry. If you should send your child to daycare, make sure to instruct the teachers to keep your child hydrated and have your number handy in case he/she throws up again.

Diarrhea. If your child is old enough to feel embarrassed about messing up his/her pants then you should definitely leave him/her home. There can be only so many times that a child can suffer an embarrassment such as wetting himself in school before considering to live a life as a shut-in. Same as vomiting, having loose bowel movements also has the risk of dehydration and thus could be best if you let your child stay at home.

Coughing. Coughing is a symptom to a lot of possible wellness concerns that could range from allergies to flus. Since there is no easy way to actually find out without spending too much time, then in this case, it would be better for you to take from your own experience.

Fever. You should definitely keep your child home if he/she is having a fever. He/she cannot be exposed to the elements because it may worsen his/her condition. And being around more children that may be carriers of other pathogens can only mean bad news for your child’s weakened immunity state.

Ear Ache. Ear infection is common among toddlers and are extremely painful.

Daycare policies

Daycare Cambridge policies are often the same in that, in order to present a place where the children can be safe to learn and play, they have to let children who might be contagious to rest in their homes until they are fit again. This extends not only to until the day that they feel better but until they can no longer transmit the disease to other kids in the daycare. This is because some diseases like the flu will render a carrier of the pathogens until a few days after he/she has healed.

Better to Err on the Safe Side

As a place of caring and nurturing, it may always better for both your kid and the kids in the center to just rest your child at home whenever he/she may be feeling out of it. Given that the symptoms can be a definitive guide on how to assess the overall health of your child, it is still no replacement from a professional doctor’s diagnosis.

It is always a difficult time for a parent when their children are sick not only because of the time he/she will lose to raise money for the family but simply because their child is in pain.