
Support Your Child’s Distance Learning Through the Pandemic

Distance learning certainly puts your child in the spotlight. They must answer to the tasks given to them. But since the pandemic, it’s the only option for your little one. But if you think that it should work best if children are left alone to fend for themselves, you’re wrong. Distance learning works best when parents and guardians do their part. Or else, it can become an exercise in futility. It’s best to put in mind that even the best educators could struggle in teaching their kids. What that means is as parents and guardians need all the support they can get to help their child. And it all starts from a point of empathy.

Remember that these are extraordinary times. As November racked up over 3 million new cases of the virus giving an overall total of over 12 million infections all over the country, your child could be feeling all the danger – even when he fails to verbalize it. The best way to reach out to your child, therefore, is with love and understanding. The stronger your relationship is with your child, the more capable you would be in helping him. That, along with some tried-and-tested techniques below, should make for a far superior learning experience.

Mind the Habits

Learning is all about habits. If you allow your child to play even during class hours online, then you’re looking at a disaster waiting to explode in your face. It’s important you provide the structure that once was in place in schools.

For starters, give him a study room where he can focus on his studies. A place away from all the noise is best. If a room is too much of an asking, a corner should do. Define the space. A temporary division or a movable crate should do the trick. And when you’re prepping all these things, have your child help you. That way, you give him ownership of the space. He might have some suggestions along the way.

Secondly, you need to make sure you set up a school routine for your child. Have a wall clock and calendar installed inside his cubicle or room. A visible schedule can help him visualize schooldays are here.

And watch the clock. A daily routine can come in handy: what time he wakes and take breakfast, breaks, lunch, playtime, and sleep time. Best of all, don’t forget study time. He must attend to his homework and get to read ahead when necessary. Make sure you install a routine and agree with a time for all these.

Know that the attention span of kids is shorter. That means you should also make sure proper breaks are observed.

Keeping Them Focused

Learning is a journey. And like any business endeavor, there are challenges along the way. One of these is your child’s ability to focus. This is where a quality online charter school is important. A good one provides a nurturing environment where learning is fun and exciting. It’s an expert in transforming your home into a vital learning space. In short, it allows your child to focus better.

On your end, always be at their side. One cool dad, for instance, had his home office beside his son’s computer room, the child’s online learning center. You can also try to have your child log-in and log-out of his time with his teachers. That way, you can assist and monitor him. Google Docs should help you in this endeavor.

It’s important you set the rules when he’s in school. Make it clear to him that he should not be tinkering with toys or playing computer games when school starts. This means toys, smartphones including, are a no-no during these hours. Then again, give him free time to play afterward.

Motivate Well

Chances are, there will be challenges as the days move forward. This is where how much you know your child will come into play. Utilize the things he loves to help him want to learn subjects he abhors. If he’s into the movie Star Wars, then you might use the characters to teach him loathsome Math. Use specific incidents to show him how a certain character was able to solve a problem using numbers.

Then you should do some selling yourself. Fit your style to your audience. If your child is still in his first days at school, you may have to frame his assignments as games he should win. The important thing is you adjust to his needs. After all, when you motivate him well, he will be able to accomplish things even if you’re not by his side. It frees your time and helps him become independent along the way. Any way you look at it, it’s a win-win.