
Celebrating Book Lovers Day with CBD? Here’s How

On August 9, we will be celebrating Book Lovers Day, a day that many people around the world appreciate and commemorate. Not only is it a celebration of our love of reading, but also a celebration of the litterateurs, their works and the writing process. After all, how can we have books to love without these wordsmiths? 

So, without much ado about nothing (get it?), here are the best ways to celebrate with CBD:

Catch Up on Your Reading

With all the hustle and bustle of modern-day living, we won’t blame you for missing some reading dates with yourself. However, Book Lovers Day is the perfect time to do some catching up. Think you don’t have the energy and clarity of mind to pick up where you left off? Some CBD hemp oil will definitely help! This will give you the drive to read, while also allowing you to take in the ideas with much ease.

Take Time to Appreciate Technology 

Many people say that ebooks are bringing about the death of physical books. This may be true for some magazines but print book sales are actually rising due to various reasons. So, for this day, make sure to take the time to appreciate technology. Perhaps read a short ebook or listen to audiobooks during your commute. Once again, consuming CBD-rich products can help you concentrate more on what you are reading or listening to, as it improves focus and cognition. 

Visit Your Favorite Book Store and Dispensary

If you have been itching to get the latest instalment to your favorite novel series or you simply want to pick up a new book you have been interested in, this day is the best day to get out and get it. On the way to your favorite book store, you can also drop by your trusted dispensary to replenish your stash of Premium CBD products!

Make Literature-Inspired CBD Oil Drinks 

Lastly, you can sit back and unwind by whipping up some CBD drinks inspired by your favorite books or characters! For the horror enthusiast, why not make some “Bloody Carrie” a la Stephen King’s Carrie. If are curious about Alex DeLarge’s (from Anthony Burgess’ A Clockwork Orange) favorite drink Moloko Plus, you can try to make your own version of it!

Book Lovers Day is a way for the world to show appreciation of humanity’s cultural masterpieces. By combining books with CBD, you can consume two of the best things the world has to offer!